SAE Appoints new Audio Lecturer


19 Jul 2017




SAE Appoints new Audio Lecturer

19 Jul 2017

John Ropiha is looking forward to stepping into the role of Audio Lecturer at SAE Auckland. 

John has been working at SAE since 2013 as a Studio Supervisor. He completed both the Diploma in Audio Engineering and a Bachelor in Recording Arts at SAE, which John says was life-changing for him.

‘It was incredible being able to do the things I loved. It didn’t feel like work, just like I got the chance to make awesome music every day.’

John is excited about taking up the lecturer role, ‘I like working with students because I had such a formative time doing both the Diploma and Degree. I look forward to sharing that passion with my students.’

Of Danish/Maori decent (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngati Kahungungu), John spent the first seven years of his life living in Denmark and is bi-lingual. He is currently learning Te Reo.

A talented musician, he plays bass, piano, drums and is a singer. He has a special passion for music and gaming, and how that influences the experience of the player.

‘I first realised music was important in storytelling as a teenager playing Final Fantasy. The music influences the gamers enjoyment – it’s the thing that can stay with you, even when the details of the game fade away.’

Dr Suzette Major, SAE Campus Director says, ‘We searched far and wide for a new Audio Lecturer, but John proved himself head and shoulders above the other candidates. He is a technical wizard, a fantastic audio engineer, an impressive musician and is passionate about teaching. I’m thrilled he’ll be taking on the Audio Lecturer role.’